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Prof.  Claudio De  Lazzari
Institute of Clinical Physiology -U.O.S. of Rome- National Research Council (C.N.R.),  Italy



When we talk about "Simulation in Medicine", we mean the employment of tools (either software, dummy or hybrid devices) that allow the simulation of a standard patient in a virtual reality mode to reproduce different clinical settings. The aim is the teaching of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with concomitant training of healthcare professionals in relation to currently accepted guidelines.
Simulation tools can contribute to improve health care safety with better training for professionals. Simulation is considered a pedagogical and educational tool with wide application in all medical specialties.
A simulator is a device that enables the operator to reproduce or represent under test conditions phenomena likely to occur in real daily clinical practice.
A simulation-based approach in medical education aims to reproduce clinical scenari-os to reinforce knowledge retention and develop practical skills. Simulation tools rep-resent an alternative to the real patient. Medical students or physicians can make mis-takes and learn from them without fear of causing injury or distress to the patient. Experiential learning, as part of simulation, is an active process during which it is possible to gain knowledge by linking new information and new experience on the basis of previous knowledge and understanding. Experiential learning or learning from experience during simulation-based training sometimes involves the use of clini-cal scenarios as the main learning approach. The practice of scenarios can be done individually, but it is mostly carried out by a team from the same or different special-ties or professions in a simulated environment that makes students experience a situa-tion as close as possible to a real life event. The practice of a scenario can be video-taped for immediate feedback to participants during the debriefing sessions.
Although simulation in medicine is relatively new, it has been used in other high risk professions like aviation for a long time.
Keywords: Simulation in medicine; e-Learning; Simulation; Clinical teaching; Health staff.


Prof. De Lazzari is graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'. Specialization in Biomedical Engineering. Since 1987, he is researcher at the Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.). After having joined the Institute for Biomedical Technologies, he now joins the Institute of Clinical Physiology in Rome (I.F.C.). He is Head of "Cardiovascular Numerical/Hybrid Modelling Lab” at I.F.C.-C.N.R. He is Head of "Telecardiology & Clinical Applications of Numerical Modelling of Biological Systems" Research Unit of the National Institute for Cardiovascular Research (I.N.R.C.). He acts as project evaluator and reviewer in the UE e-Health and m-Health sectors. He is project evaluator and reviewer for DFG (Germany), The Technology agency of the Czech Republic and Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation. He is project evaluator, reviewer and expert for Italian Ministry "Sviluppo Economico in Innovazione Tecnologica MISE” and “Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca MiUR”. He is author of over 220 scientific publications including chapters and books. He has served in many "Editorial Board" for several international journals. In November 2015, he received the title of "DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA" from the Board of Teaching University GEOMEDI (Georgia). Actually, he is in the Scientific Council of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Research (I.N.R.C.) and he is Coordinator of the Join PhD program in Medicine of GEOMEDY University and I.F.C.-C.N.R.

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